Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Exponential '08

Another amazing day here in Orlando. I got to spend the morning with Mark Batterson as he talked about creative communication.

I also got this autographed copy of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day for The Crossroads. Totally awesome.

In the afternoon session, Ed Stetzer started off the main session talking about essentials of reproducing churches. He had a forum discussion with, get this, Bob Roberts, Neil Cole, and Ron Sylvia. If you don't know who those guys are, they have got some pretty good cred when it comes to planting churches.

Some of you know Lance Witt. I saw him sitting a couple of rows in front of me and got to talk to him for a few minutes. I hope to be able to hook up with him tomorrow and get to visit some more.
Then, in the next session, Andy Stanley talked to us about vision. He was super cool, really open and honest, and pretty funny.

Then in the final session, one of the guys from Willow Creek talked about their Reveal project. It was pretty enlightening in that it showed that many of the things we typically try to get people involved in for spiritual growth actually do not produce spiritual growth. The more important factors are personal spiritual exercises like reading the Bible, praying, serving others, and going through painful times in life. Good stuff.

Then, I got to go out to eat some really good Italian food at Carrabas with a bunch of other church planters. It was some great networking.

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