Monday, August 4, 2008


I got to speak yesterday at First Baptist Church of Whitesboro. FBCW is one of our sponsor churches, and the pastor was out of town on a mission trip, so he asked me to fill in. I talked to the church about how they could partner in church planting.

FBCW is a terrific church. Their worship, in both their contemporary and traditional services, was genuine and moved by the Holy Spirit. The church also obviously has a heart for mission. While we were there, there were two groups away on mission trips, they had just had one missionary couple leave their missions house and another couple was getting ready to move in, and they are involved in supporting The Crossroads.

After the service, I was flooded by people from the congregation who wanted to volunteer their time, their talents, and their services to help out with The Crossroads. Several people volunteered to help with block parties. Others gave money. One lady was truly like the widow who gave two cents in the New Testament. She told me she was on disability and did not have a lot of income, but that she was going to commit to sending ten percent of her income to The Crossroads.

The one that really encouraged me was a woman who told me that she didn't really have a source of income, but that she was getting ready to have a cow butchered and that she was going to give a tithe of the beef to us. I know, that really sounds like the beginning of a funny story, but Wow! what an incredible gift to us. Psalm 50:10 says that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. Apparently he decided to give us part of one of them.

BBQ anyone?

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