Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pillow Thoughts

How do you have the amazing, incredible, fulfilling sex life that God wants you to have? That's what my new message series, "Pillow Talk", seeks to address. (You can access the audio for the series here.) This week, the first message in the series was "God Loves Sex" in which I talked about God's plan for sex.

There were two passages of Scripture that I pointed to as foundational for our understanding of sexuality and God's design for sex, both of which come from the first chapter of the Bible. First, Genesis 1:27-28: “So God created humans in his image. In the image of God he created them. He created them male and female. God blessed them and said, ‘Be fertile, increase in number, fill the earth, and be its master.’” Three important priniples from that verse alone: Sex is designed by God. God created man in his image as male and female. Second, in some way, our sexuality is a reflection of the image of God. Sex is a spiritual issue. Third, sex is commanded by God. In fact, it is the first commandment in the Bible, "be fruitful". Yes, I know, it's a command to have children, but where, I ask, do children come from? Sex. Listen to the audio to learn more.

The second foundational Scripture is Genesis 1:24: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” It's God's design for sex in one verse: leaving, cleaving, and becoming one flesh. Separating from our past life and past allegiances, separating ourselves in devotion to our spouse, and physically uniting in the beauty of sex.

Okay, so all of that is in the message. Here's what I thought about since then. Both of these passages of Scripture come in the first chapter of the Bible. Both of them precede the Fall. Sex between a husband and wife is one of the most beautiful, purest expressions of our humanity as created in the image of God. Our sexuality is intimately tied to our humanity, to our personality, to our being bearers of the divine image.

So, maybe that's why sexual sin is so destructive to our personhood. Maybe it is why Satan tries so hard to distort the incredible beauty that is sexuality. Maybe that is why impure sex is one of Satan's number one temptations. Maybe that's why God's instruction for dealing with sexual sin is to run away from it. Maybe that is why humans tend to worship sex.

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