Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday Morning Update

Maybe I should change the name of this column to "Whenever I Happen to Get around to Getting It Done Update." Seems like I never can get around to actually getting this thing out on Monday morning.

Oh well, yesterday was another incredible day at The Crossroads. We went in on Saturday evening this week to get the truck unloaded in hopes that not having the doors to the cheer gym open on Sunday morning would help with cooling. No such luck. It was still HOT by the time we got through.

The amazing thing is that now that we are in the peak of summer heat, our attendance has hit all time highs. We had 77 people in attendance this weekend. We are growing to the point that we requested one of our sponsor churches to buy us some new chairs this week. Continue to pray for God to provide us with a new meeting place before we outgrow our current meeting space.

We started a new message series this week called "God at the Movies" in which we are exploring the greatest story, the story of God's purpose and plan, as it is reflected in some of the biggest blockbuster movies this summer. This week we started with Star Trek and talked about fulfilling your destiny. It was a tough message to preach. The notion that we have a destiny, that there are certain things that are determined in our lives, particularly that our relationship with Christ comes from God's predestination of certain people to salvation is not especially popular. I tried to introduce the subject in a manner that was easily understandable and just began to open the subject for people. It's really important for people to grasp that life is not an accident, and that God is working out his purpose in our lives for his glory.

During the service, we presented a check for $5,000 to another church plant to use for purchasing a truck for moving their equipment. It is our commitment to be involved in helping plant at least one church a year. This is the first time that we have done this. We are excited that in our first year as a church plant, we are already involved in spreading the kingdom by helping to plant another church.

Robby and the band did an incredible job this week. We had been without our guitarist for the last two weeks. Having him back really gave us that extra something. Our people were really engaged in worship. Another high from the service was that one person made a decision for Christ, and another one rededicated their life to Christ. It was an awesome service.

Then, in the evening, LaRissa and I got to go with three friends to see Terminator:Salvation again. This is the movie that we will be looking at next week, and I wanted to see it again so I could have a better understanding of some of the storyline. We were blessed to have a really good friend watch all of our kids so we could go. I look forward to talking about how to make your life count.

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