Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunday Rewind

We had another awesome day at The Crossroads. We are continuing our series "FAMILY" about how to have the family life that God designed you for. This week and the next two weeks are all about children. Children are such a vital part of family life. The message focused on the importance of children, in particular, making sure we give our children the most important thing in life, a relationship with Jesus Christ. I really loved the opportunity to encourage some of our new Christians that they can talk to their kids about Jesus.

I am excited about what is going to happen next week. Our entire service is going to be spent in our Kids' Cove Children's Area. Adults will get a taste of what our children experience each week and how they worship God. Jesus sat a child in front of his disciples and said, "Do you want to know what it takes to enter the kingdom of heaven? Then just watch this kid." I think we need to spend more time experiencing God through the beautiful eyes of a child. Our own faith would probably be encouraged and grow stronger if we could see life through a child's eyes more often.

We had an awesome worship time this week. The band just seems to be getting better each week. The addition of an electric guitar just really allows us to do more of the alternative feel that is our target style. It also allows our acoustic guitarist to expand and play bass occasionally. I am excited about how God is growing the band. I also had a great praise this week. My voice is back. For those of you who don't know, I have a cyst on my vocal cords that causes me to sound like a chain smoker from time to time. I have really been struggling with it for the last two to three months. But two weeks ago, I found myself singing along to the radio with no pain and no difficulty. For the last two weeks, I have been able to preach without pain or strain. So, I am super excited and prayerful that this is a permanent, or at least long term healing.

Last week we had one of our highest attendances yet, but this week we were really down. A lot of people are away on family vacations, and that really has an impact on attendance. But, last year, we had one of our biggest growth times during the summer months, so I am looking forward to that happening again this year.

Summer is a really busy time for us, and we are gearing up for a lot of stuff right now. This Saturday, we will have a car wash to raise money for our Mexico mission trip. The following Saturday is the first of four Family Movie Nights that we sponsor during the summer. In July, we go to Mexico. So, please be in prayer for all the things coming up.

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