Monday, May 17, 2010

Jesus Dunking

Yesterday was an awesome day at The Crossroads. Yesterday evening we all went to a local YMCA Camp to use their pool for baptisms. Thirteen people went public with their commitment to follow Jesus Christ. It's the most people I've ever baptized at one time.

From the beginning one of our passions at The Crossroads has been seeing people's lives changed. Yesterday was just an incredible testimony to how God is doing that.

Just a few highlights: We baptized two couples together. Really cool to see God at work in the life of a husband and wife together. A father and his two sons took the plunge together. A mother and daughter also got dunked. I love seeing families transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. The little girl is painfully shy. Getting baptized in front of a big group of people was a really hard thing for her to do. So, when I baptized her, I was reminded all over again of just how big a deal this baptism thing is. It's about publicly telling everybody, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ." So, I teared up a little as I brought her up out of the water. Finally, three of the baptisms were young girls, and their dads actually performed the baptisms. It was so awesome to see the look on both fathers' and daughters' faces. A truly beautiful moment.

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